Advanced Yoga Practitioner Diploma - Online or In-person (Scotland) |

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Advanced Yoga Practitioner Diploma - Online or In-person (Scotland)

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23 September, 2023
(Registration open till October 2023)

Dru Yoga as you've never experienced it before. Learn in-depth what makes Dru Yoga so effective in transforming emotions, helping you to achieve your goals and heal your body. 


You'll travel along a magical journey of healing and fulfilment, working systematically through each kosha: in your physical body, your pranic field, your emotions, your knowings/attitudes, and eventually in the core life goals that inspire your journey through life. Within each kosha, the course takes you sequentially through the chakras, showing you yoga's main techniques for transforming these vital parts of your consciousness. 

The Advanced Practitioner Diploma is the recommended next step for yoga graduates or senior students who want to be more confident teachers.  It will enable you to brilliantly share yoga's rich tradition of subtle energy and the holistic mind, based on the chakras and kosha system. It gives you two years' of CPD. 

You're probably already familiar with the idea that the chakras are the parts of your mind that control the ways you relate to your world - abundance, relationships, empowerment, giving, the awareness of dharma and your life goals. But these are just words. This course enables you to explore these as living experiences, giving you yoga's techniques to master them at every level. 

This course is open to Dru Yoga teachers and senior students of the Dru Yoga teacher training course, as well as yoga teachers from any tradition. 

Testimonials >


Course Contents:

Session 1: An in-depth exploration of asana modification and the physical level.
As you are aware each posture has an essence, an inner transformative power waiting to be discovered. During this session we will explore how to finely attune modifications to the needs of the individual,  in doing this, we will discover keys to help us embrace the essence of every posture. We will then go on to explore the physical level, working through the chakras from base to top. 

Sessions 2 & 3: Discovering your pranic body.
We work through the chakras from base to top at the pranic layer.  You’ll learn how to work with specific postures and sequences to strengthen or balance each chakra.  We’ll explore how these postures and sequences affect your subtle energy, with remarkable exercises for expanding your capacity to master your subtle energy.

Sessions 4 & 5: Discovering the power of the motivational kosha.
Working again through the chakras from base to top, we focus on the emotive layer, and how we can use the postures and sequences already previously explored at these more subtle levels. You'll learn how yoga techniques enable you to revolutionise your emotional landscape, and how to help your students (and friends and colleagues!) do the same. You'll also learn how each chakra is the part of our mind that controls crucial aspects of life (abundance/vitality, relating, achieving goals, building harmony, knowing the right thing to do, discerning your role in life, achieving unity).

Session 6:  Harnessing the 'body of creation' - the vijnanamaya kosha.
Exploring the chakras at an even more refined level, from base to top, we now reach the culmination of yoga's potential for designing every aspect of your life. This is the realm where you can effortlessly transform old habits and past conditioning, where you can reconfigure your heart and mind towards the success that is natively yours. 

How to Book

Reserve your place by clicking BOOK NOW and paying a registration fee of £200. Save £50 with the Early Bird!

  • Early Bird Registration: £150 (paid by the 6 August)
  • Registration fee: £200
  • See the tab below for your pricing plans

You will receive an email asking you to complete the application form and set up your payment plans.


Course Structure

This course is offered in a choice of 2 formats: In-person or Online.

  • Duration: 6 weekends 
  • In-person venue: University of Stirling
  • Session times: Saturday & Sunday 10am-5pm. There may be the odd day where we finish at 5.30pm.
  • All teaching sessions are recorded so you will be able to catch up if you can't make a session. 

For more information, or to book a call to explore the course with a tutor, please contact us at


Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 10:00
Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 17:00
Dru Yoga teacher, West Yorkshire

As a qualified Dru Yoga teacher, I thought I had a good understanding of asana and the koshas - which of course I did, but the APD course has taken that level of understanding and more importantly my personal experience of my yoga practice to a different level.  

The course took me on a journey through the koshas in a way that not only increased my awareness of how I experience asana but also how to use asana to reshape my experience.  With the support and guidance of the tutors, I was able to revisit the asana I previously avoided which has contributed to my body being stronger and more flexible than at any time since my twenties - and I now love to practise those asanas.

Emotionally, it has helped me process difficult emotions such as grief and shown the way to change self-limiting beliefs.  For me, the real gift of the course was the tutorials which became the foundation for building a supportive sangha of wonderful yogis which continues to exist.  It was during these sessions of deep personal sharing that our fantastic tutors were able to share further their incredible wisdom and answer the many questions that inevitably spring forth in any process of swadhyaya - I highly recommend this course!

GP, Yorkshire
I would thoroughly recommend the APD to anyone that is considering doing it.
I have benefitted enormously from it.
I did the course during the covid pandemic lockdown. A time of anxiety and fear. The knowledge that I gained helped me to recognise and acknowledge my feelings and gave me tools to deal with them.
The yoga postures , sequences and breathing techniques that are already familiar can be used to change our emotional energy.
In the same way that we have learnt to scan our physical body for aches and pains and stiffness or injury and use yoga postures and stretches to ease ourselves , I have learnt to scan my emotional and energetic body and recognise negative thoughts and patterns and how to correct them. By doing this regularly I feel more self-confident and happy .
I remember a very powerful moment when we were doing the Eagle posture and imagining that we were looking down at ourselves and what we perceived. I thought ‘ I am cool ‘ ! That thought has stayed with me.
Customer Experience Analyst / Dru Yoga Teacher, Llangollen

A big huge thumbs up here for the APD course. It totally blew my mind.

It was such a pleasure to be guided through postures that I thought I knew well, only to discover that they had even more power than I could ever have imagined possible, when you work through them on each Kosha level. 

At times when I'm feeling stuck or uninspired / bored with in my practice, the tools I learnt on the APD course always, without fail, have the ability to out me back on track.

The course was so wonderfully presented, a brilliant mix of guided practice and space to explore for yourself.

I also came away from the experience a much more confident and skillful teacher, and have been able to facilitate my students in deepening there practice as a result.

I find myself eternally grateful to Andrew and the whole APD team for developing and refining this course, it's beyond doubt helped me to develop and refine my own practice. 

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