About Dru Yoga | Healthy Back Programme



Dru Yoga

Dru Yoga is an evidence-supported, therapeutic style of yoga. It’s graceful, potent and based on flowing movements, directed breathing and visualisation.

Designed to be practised by people of all abilities, fitness levels and age groups it can be quickly dipped into or learned in depth over a lifetime.

How is Dru Yoga different?

  • Anyone can Dru it. It’s is one of the most adaptable forms of yoga on the planet—from wheelchair to football field, young to old, Dru Yoga can be adapted to suit anyone!
  • Dru is one of the very best forms of mind/body yoga as it transforms negative thinking & disempowering emotions. 
  • Access profound states of deep peace and relaxation. Whether dynamic or rest-filled, Dru Yoga is a potent antidote to stress.
  • Strengthens the power of the heart. Dru is a heart-based healing yoga that empowers you to care more deeply for yourself, other people and the planet. 

Try Dru Yoga

Dru Yoga Dance

A dynamic form of Dru Yoga this a demonstration of "Ananda-antara Dance". which combines asana, mudra and power affirmations.

Manifest your Dreams

Use your yoga practice to empowerment by aligning your entire self behind your goals and dreams.

​​​​​​​Call Back Your Power

If you feel tired or drained perhaps you gave your power away in events, space, people or situations? Learn how to call it back.

Dru Yoga is one of the very best forms of mind/body yoga. It's shown to transform negative thinking and disempowering emotions. There has never been a greater need for this in society in today’s world. With Dru you are choosing to impact yourself, other people and the planet. 

It's safe & effective

Dru Yoga is based on a foundation of safety, effectiveness and accessibility. Dru Yoga teachers show you how to prepare your body properly and how to use core stability and alignment. 

It's evidence-based

In clinical trials, Dru Yoga has shown to increase energy levels, maintain a healthy back, improve resilience to stress, enhance emotional well-being and reduce sickness absence.

It takes you deeper

Discover the subtle energetics of yoga through the koshas. You can even delve into the science of yogic spirituality to find greater purpose and meaning in life through your yoga practice. 

Dr Ned Hartfiel

Research Director

Dru Yoga is underpinned by scientific research showing its extensive benefits

This enables Dru Yoga teachers to work with large employers including private companies, county councils, schools, government agencies, professional sport teams and the NHS. 

A randomised controlled trial involving 75 government workers, published in Occupational Medicine* in September 2012, showed that Dru Yoga significantly reduced both stress and back pain at work—two of the key factors leading to sickness absence. 

After an eight-week programme, Dru Yoga group scores (when compared with a control group) were significantly lower for perceived stress, back pain, sadness and hostility, and significantly higher for feeling self-assured, attentive and serene.

Dru Yoga benefits you emotionally, mentally and spiritually

...all of which are likely to improve your relationships, sense of purpose and connectedness to what’s important in your life.

In 2008, research into the benefits of Dru Yoga was conducted at the University of Bangor (UK). 48 employees were randomised into a yoga group and a wait-list control group.

The yoga group were given Dru Yoga for six weeks, given three 60 minute classes per week.  The wait-list control group received no intervention during the six week study but were offered free classes after the trial.  Before and after measurements were obtained with the Profile of Mood States - Bipolar, and the Inventory of Positive Psychological Attitudes.

Dru Yoga participants recorded substantial increases in key areas of wellbeing

  1. Self-confidence during stress   650% increase
  2. More clear-minded - less confused  500% increase
  3. Life purpose and satisfaction   330% increase
  4. More composed - less anxious  120% increase
  5. More energised - less tired   270% increase
  6. More elated - less depressed  240% increase
  7. More confident - less unsure   210% increase
  8. More agreeable - less hostile  100% increase

With its foundations set firmly in the ancient yogic tradition, Dru Yoga's therapeutic five-kosha approach rejuvenates and empowers your whole being.

What's next?

Online Classes 

At home or on the go your practice is your time - your moment - to breathe, slow down and connect. Discover the magic of Dru Yoga here at the Studio.



Master Classes ​​​​​​

From back health to discovering your true purpose, don't miss our themed evening masterclasses. Taught by top Dru Yoga tutors.



Teacher Training

Whether you plan to teach yoga, want to practise effectively by yourself at home, or would like to enhance your career as a therapist, the Dru Yoga course is for you.


Academic research articles on Dru Yoga

Hartfiel, N. and Edwards, R.T. (2017). Yoga in the workplace can reduce back pain and sickness absence. The Conversation.

  • The results of this study showed NHS staff who participated in an eight week Dru Yoga programme had larger reductions in back pain compared to a control group. After six months, employee staff records showed that the yoga participants had 20 times less sick leave due to musculoskeletal conditions (including back pain) than the control group. NHS staff who practiced Dru yoga during the six month study visited health professionals for back pain only half as often as control group participants. 

Timlin, D. and Simpson, E. (2017). A preliminary randomised control trial of the effects of Dru yoga on psychological well-being in Northern Irish first-time mothers. Midwifery, 46:29-36.

  • This study showed that Dru Yoga improved the psychological well-being of first time mothers, reduced educed global stress levels, decreased negative affect and dysfunctional coping, enhanced problem focused coping, and could be recommended to improve health and fitness in the postpartum.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28129548

Hartfiel, N., Clarke, G., Havenhand, J., Phillips, C. and Edwards, R.T. (2017). Cost-effectiveness of yoga for managing musculoskeletal conditions in the workplace. Occupational Medicine, 67(9):687-695.

  • This study showed that an 8-week Dru Yoga programme, with a 6-month follow-up, for NHS)employees was effective for improving quality of life and reducing sickness absence due to back pain and musculoskeletal conditions. The results showed that Dru Yoga is likely to be cost-effective for the NHS.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29202204

McDonald, A., Burjan, E., Martin, S. (2006). Yoga for patients and carers in a palliative day care setting. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 12(11):519-23. 

  • This study suggests that Dru yoga benefitted patients (and carers) in palliative care settings. A 12-week Dru Yoga pilot project was introduced into a day care unit and proved to be highly successful.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17170669

Hartfiel, N., Havenhand, J., Khalsa, S.B., Clarke, G. and Krayer, A. (2011). The effectiveness of yoga for the improvement of well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, and Health, 37(1):70-76.

  • A six-week intervention showed that even a short programme of Dru Yoga was effective for enhancing emotional well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace. They reported marked improvements in feelings of clear-mindedness, composure, elation, energy, and confidence. In addition, the Dru Yoga group reported increased life purpose and satisfaction, and feelings of greater self-confidence during stressful situations.

Hartfiel, N., Havenhand, J., Khalsa, S.B., Clarke, G. and

Hartfiel, N., Burton, C., Rycroft-Malone, J., Clarke, G., Havenhand, J., Khalsa, S.B. and Edwards, R.T. (2012). Yoga for reducing perceived stress and back pain at work. Occupational Medicine, (62)8:606-612. 

  • In comparison to the control group, the Dru yoga group reported significant reductions in perceived stress and back pain, and a substantial improvement in psychological well-being. When compared with the control group at the end of the programme, the yoga group scores were significantly lower for perceived stress, back pain, sadness and hostility, and substantially higher for feeling self-assured, attentive and serene. 
    Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23012344

Brukner, P., Nealon, A., Morgan, C., Burgess, D. and Dunn, A. (2014) Recurrent hamstring muscle injury: applying the limited evidence in the professional football setting with a seven-point programme. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48:929-938.

  • In this case study, Dru Yoga was practised by a professional footballer who sustained five hamstring injuries in a relatively short period of time. The injury was managed successfully with a seven-point programme which included regular sessions of Dru Yoga. These consisted of Dru fascial warm-up techniques; intense hamstring and low back stretches; guided Dru relaxations and Dru breath training (techniques to improve lung capacity, stamina and to activate the relaxation response through the body). The player soon reported subjective improvement in his hamstring freedom.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23322894​​​​​​​