Achieving Your Goals in 2024 with Astrology, Yoga & Manifestation | Healthy Back Programme



Achieving Your Goals in 2024 with Astrology, Yoga & Manifestation

14 January, 2024

Create your personal road map for 2024 with the combined ancient science of Astrology, Yoga and Manifestation principles.

We have chosen 4 key days that are high points in the 2024 astrological chart to supercharge your life! Harness this potential to refresh your way ahead.

In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, setting long-term goals can sometimes prove challenging. But what if you held a roadmap to success? 

Imagine having tools that help you plan for the future, in a way that benefits your family, relationships, job, travel plans, and daily life. Think of having reliable support that transforms how you make decisions and gives you that sense of assurance. Let's simplify things for you, by offering the right information and practical methods to focus on and shape your future without worries.

The combined trilogy of Yoga, Astrology and Manifestation principles will not only give you insight into the months ahead but also the means as to how to arrive at your desired destination.

In each of the sessions, held around the time of each equinox we will look at the upcoming 3 months and delve into the planetary influences at that time. You'll have the opportunity to assess and fine-tune your goals based on the guidance provided by these planetary influences. Additionally, you'll gain access to tailored yoga, mudra, breathwork, and meditation practices aimed at enriching your journey. Specific manifestation techniques will further empower your plans towards achieving your goals.

We all know that the planets influence our lives in subtle ways. For example who hasn’t felt the effect of a full moon! The moon shapes our world dramatically with its pull on the oceans and waters that cover 71% of the earth's surface. Up to 60% of the human adult body is also made up of water so it’s no surprise that the moon has a profound effect on us and our emotions. 

Each session will explore the current planetary energies and the different elements associated with this.  This amazing insight will help influence the choices you make for your personal life, for your family, career and relationships.

Yoga & Meditation
For each three-month period in 2024, there are specific yoga postures and meditations that complement the planetary alignment at that time.

As the planets continuously shift and influence our lives, these yoga practices are tailored to amplify the positive effects of these alignments so cultivating more balance, strength, emotional grounding or whatever quality we need in our life at that time.

Manifestation principles
In this course, we'll dive into the principles that make manifestation work. How to visualise and affirm success and take consistent steps towards your dreams. This will include tried and tested techniques to help you set your goals and review on a regular basis. It will be easy to follow and fun to do. Learn how to incorporate manifestation principles in a manageable way within your daily life.

Discover the transformative Dru Manifestation sequence and also which yoga postures are optimum for each three-month period.   Receive an understanding of our 5-point Pathway Guide to empower your daily, weekly and monthly goal-setting. Gain insights on how to reassess your plans in a manner that feels not just achievable but also inspiring. Dive into techniques that bring your intentions to life and pave the way for tangible progress.

Here's what you'll experience:

  • Gain invaluable insights into the planetary movements guiding your actions and decisions for each three month period throughout 2024
  • Explore the full and new moon's zodiacal journey and discover what it means for your moon's placement—earth, water, air, or fire signs—and harness these elements to empower your manifestation process
  • Learn specific yoga postures and meditations synchronised with each 3-month astrological phase, empowering your goal-setting
  • Master the art of activating the law of manifestation and re-programme limiting beliefs that may be hindering your goal achievement
  • Learn the Dru Manifestation sequence and receive the 5 Point Pathway Guide to empower your daily, weekly and monthly goal setting
  • Stay on track with your goals, bridging the gap between intention and action using our proven strategies
  • 3 monthly reviews of where you are up to with your goals and the opportunity to adjust them in light of the planetary alignment for the following 3 months. Receive 3-monthly goal reviews, adjusting aspirations in line with forthcoming planetary alignments.


Early Bird (to 31 Dec):

  • In full: £170 (until the 31st December) 
  • £25 plus commit to 3 quarterly payments of £55


  • In full: £220
  • 4 x £55 quarterly payments

CPD points - 6 available for the full course.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and purposeful living.

Enrol today to align your cosmic energies and make 2024 a year of manifesting dreams with intention!


If you have any questions about the course or would like to discuss further please do give us a call on - 01248 602 900, extension 205
(Contact hours 9am - 11am Monday to Friday)


Sunday, January 14, 2024 - 10:30
Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 13:30

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