The WPF Benefit Concert for India | Healthy Back Programme



The WPF Benefit Concert for India

31 July, 2021


On 31st July 2021, the 22nd Anniversary of the World Peace Flame (WPF), we invite YOU and 1000 other people around the world to join us for our WPF Benefit Concert for India! 

Featuring top international musicians including Nimo Patel, Sacred Earth, Carmella Baynie, Terry Clarke-Coyne, as well as Dru's own Radhika Patel, Nils Wedtke, and more.

Click here to register


This WPF Benefit Concert for India is free and open to everyone around the world. Donations raised will go directly from the World Peace Flame Foundation (registered UK charity) to the families of Gujarat to supply them with their essential needs for survival as well as hope and love.

The replay will be available till the 31st August 2021 and you can register at any point for instant access!

There are times in our lives when the world is calling out for love -  Do you wonder how to respond?

Our friends in India at the Dru Foundation Trust have felt the impact of COVID all around them. They have lost loved ones. They had to pause the regular medical and humanitarian aid they provide to the people in Gujarat and wait until the tide turned before reaching out to those in greatest need. The tide has now turned. 

When we asked, "How can we help?", the answer that came was simple:
“Bring us the Light so that we can do what we need to do to help the people in Gujarat.”

With over two decades of working with the World Peace Flame, we have discovered that when we come together and create joy, miracles happen!

“If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.” —Carlos Santana


To register for the event please go to the following website:


To make a donation please go to The World Peace Flame, UK, Just Giving page here:


Saturday, July 31, 2021 - 08:30
Tuesday, August 31, 2021 - 09:30

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