Surya Tattva - 23 Oct 2021 | Healthy Back Programme



Surya Tattva - 23 Oct 2021

23 October, 2021

Surya, the archetype of radiance, light and selfless giving, has long been a source of inspiration across many ancient cultures. In this ongoing series of group mentorings, Annie and Anouschka will guide you through a powerful formula of yogic techniques to help you to capture and harness the qualities of the sun and learn to embody them in your day-to-day life.


Session 2 - The one who induces activity

Join Annie and Anouschka for the next session of this series on Surya Tattva to learn how we can better embody the qualities of the sun in our lives.

On Saturday 23rd October, we will be sharing the Surya Namaskara which is well known throughout the world as a posture based flow that can be done fast and dynamic, slow and strong or combined with other postures to add a bit of spice and variation.

In this session, we use the mantra "Om Suryaye Namaha", which translates as the one who induces activity, and explore how it can help us to bring a more active quality to our lives at all koshic levels.

Through this new variation of the Dru Sun Sequence, we'll be taking the beautiful (yet often internal) emotions such as love and gratitude, and through posture and intension, transform them into kindness. In this way, we create activity and an outward expression of our internal emotions AND allow our light to shine even more brightly into the lives of those around us.

This is primarily a physical movement session, so you will want to have your mat and enough space around you to enjoy the Sun Sequence. We have pre-recorded the movement part of the session so that you can have this video as a resource to watch time and again.


This session will be live and interactive on Zoom. We will also be giving you guidance on how to continue working with the practices we share to really benefit you at a deep and profound level over the coming weeks. Want to catch up on session one? Email for more info.

If you are a member of the Dru Professional Network you will be able to accrue 1 CPD hour for attendance at this event. Attendees from other yoga schools will need to check individually for their own CPD credits.

Over this series you will:

  • Become radiant, joyful and passionate about your life
  • Learn the secret to empowered giving
  • Discover ancient rituals to honour the sun
  • Master the power of time
  • Feel physically more dynamic, energised and full of vitality
  • and much, much more...

On Saturday 23rd October we continue this new series of mentorings to explore the incredible potential of the sun.
Dates for the rest of the sessions are to be released soon.



Live 80 min class session

Price: £25



Saturday, October 23, 2021 - 11:00

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