Pranayam and Yoga Nidra: Gateway to Stillness (now online & in-person) | Healthy Back Programme



Pranayam and Yoga Nidra: Gateway to Stillness (now online & in-person)

17 September, 2022

Join us live on Zoom! This event will not be recorded!


True stillness is the experience of a deep silence within. It creates a peace and connection at a profound level and brings with it an open spaciousness in heart and mind.

 “This silence, this moment, every moment, if it's genuinely inside you, brings what you need.”
- Rumi -

Silence is where we experience what it truly means to live in the present moment and listen to that still, small voice within. 

Join Andrew Wells and Chandra Goswami as you treat yourself to a Dru weekend exploring breathwork and yoga nidra to restore and refresh. 

We shall explore practices for the vagus nerve system to enable you to anchor into a renewed strength and stillness - perfect for entering into the change of season and the shorter days. 


  • the Dru points in your body movement as a gateway to stillness, and how the breath bridges the body and mind
  • one of the great keys in the pranamaya (or breath) stage of relaxation that leads to stillness
  • pranayam or breathing practices leading to a profound experience of meditation, touching the well of silence within. 

You will receive a gentle workout both inside and outside - the perfect Autumn retreat to prepare you for the change of season! Let go of expectations and truly embrace who you have come here to be. 


If you are a member of the Dru Professional Network you will be able to accrue 12 CPD hours for attendance at this workshop. Attendees from other yoga schools will need to check individually for their own CPD credits.


Prices & Venue

Early Bird: £170 - open till 1st September
Full Price: £195
Online Price: £195 (The event will NOT be recorded.)

Venue: Iris Murdoch Building, Stirling University, FK9 4NF


Saturday, September 17, 2022 - 10:30
Sunday, September 18, 2022 - 16:30

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