Dru Meditation Retreat - From Chaos to Calm | Healthy Back Programme


'From Chaos to Calm'

5-Day Online
Meditation Retreat

18-22 October

From Distraction to StabilityOverwhelm to Empowerment

Transform your meditation practice in only 90 minutes a day. 

You may have already experienced the benefits of meditation - and that wonderful feeling of connection and calm. But in the busyness and chaos of everyday life, it can be hard to keep a regular practice, especially when you need it most.

Have you noticed that when you try to meditate, you sometimes get distracted? Are you too tired to sit without nodding and falling asleep? Does your mind race, thinking of your to-do list and you end up feeling overwhelmed? Are you a bit bored with your meditation or do you feel you’re not getting anywhere?

The Good News

The good news is that with a few key techniques from the ancient Vedic tradition of meditation, you can learn an empowering daily practice in just 5 days.

It’s time to start again and learn fresh new meditation habits that will be sustainable and fun.

Learn the essential preparations for a successful and satisfying meditation session.

We will show you how to prepare your physical body with the right yogic activations and relaxation, so you feel less tired in meditation.

You will learn the breathing practices that activate the pranic body, so you can have the energy to be still and concentrate. You’ll learn how to deal with distractions and work with your environment so you can rest in stillness and silence.  

You will take away 3 powerful meditation practices to give you:

  • The perfect way to start your day with clarity, focus and enthusiasm

  • A powerful way of checking in to your inner calm in the middle of your day

  • A relaxing meditation to process the day and help you sleep deeply.

  • You’ll also learn the philosophical roots of Dru Meditation. This retreat is also the perfect preparation for the Dru Meditation Mastery Course.

Read on for more...

What you'll learn 

in 5 x live 90-minute meditation and satsang sessions...

How to align your body with the stability of the Earth


Dru Energy Block Release sequences - prepare your body for inner bliss

Core pranayama practices to energise your mind and bring back your focus.

How to relax the body at will and dissolve fatigue

The Inner Smile Meditation technique for healing


Mantras - sacred sound to enhance your practice

Techniques to overcome distraction, lack of motivation and boredom

How to create or optimise your meditation space in your home

Meditations to reduce anxiety and enhance emotional well-being


10-day meditation practice to keep the 'retreat' feeling alive.

Lifetime access to the replays.
Downloadable journal with meditations you can practise at home.

Global meditation community on Telegram

2 meditation classes to prepare you for the retreat

Mantra and kirtan workshop with our expert musicians.

Retreat Timetable


  • Wednesday : 7.00pm - 8.30pm BST 
  • Thursday : 7.00pm - 8.30pm BST 
  • Friday : 10.00am - 11.30am BST
  • Saturday : 8.00am - 9.30am BST
  • Sunday  : 6.00pm - 7.30pm BST

AEDT (Australia)

  • Thursday :  5.00am - 6.30am AEDT
  • Friday:  5.00am  - 6.30am AEDT
  • Friday :  8.00pm - 9.30pm AEDT
  • Saturday :  6.00pm - 7.30pm AEDT
  • Monday  :  4.00am  - 5.30am AEDT

Pricing & Booking

UK - £149

Australia - AUS $290

‘Meditating in nature empowers us to attune and listen deeply to the whispers of inner guidance.

When we still the other voices what remains is gold.’

Mouli MacKenzie. 
Dru Meditation Teacher

Other information 

  • Dru Professional Network members will accrue 6 CPD points for this retreat.

  • How to prepare:​​​​​  It's important to give yourself a clear, uninterrupted space for this special time! It's always tempting to do several things at once when you're by a screen - but we highly recommend that in this case, you create 60-90 minutes of uninterrupted time for yourself each day.
    We'll be covering some very special material that we hope will make a wonderful difference in your life. You are worth it - and you deserve it!
    We will also be sharing 2 meditation classes before the event to help you prepare.

  • How to join this event:  Before the event start time, you will receive an email with the link to join the event each day.
  • After the event: your replay link will appear in your druyoga.com account under 'Online Events'.  Please allow 24 hours for us to get the replay ready for you.
    If you didn't manage to get to the live event, you can watch it at your leisure afterwards by going to the replay.

Dru Meditation

Stay Connected. Stay Balanced. Stay Empowered.