Masterclass AUS - The Power of the Sun - 15 July 2020 | Healthy Back Programme



Masterclass AUS - The Power of the Sun - 15 July 2020

15 July, 2020
(Registration open till December 2025)

In yoga we often hear of practices to do with the sun. The Sun Salutation, Solar Kriya, Solar nadi, sun breath, and so much more.

Rita Goswami, one of Dru' s founders, is a master of Vedanta and the ancient science behind why we do what we do in yoga. And tonight she is exploring why light is important. Why sunlight is important and how you can harness its subtle illumination in daylight and in a flame to enhance your yoga and your meditation. And therefore bring a sense of brilliance to your whole day.

Join Rita as she explores the power inherent in the light of a flame, the ajna chakra and your pineal. 

The sun is crucial to your health and Rita will explain a key mantra practice to activate the light within your cells. 

From there she'll show you the ancient links between light and the power of your soul, rounding the evening off with a spectacular meditation.

Live 60 min class & access to recordings

Price: AUD $35

DPN members : AUD $17.50


Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - 19:00

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