Mantra and Gong Bath Replay - May 2021 | Healthy Back Programme



Mantra and Gong Bath Replay - May 2021

This event has passed. Here are some other events coming up...

14 May, 2021
(Registration open till May 2021)

Booking open for replay!

Nurture and restore your body and mind with the healing power of sound! Enjoy an hour of luxurious relaxation with sound, guided by Jane Saraswati Clapham. She will use a variety of instruments including brass and crystal bowls to soothe your mind and body. Tuning forks attuned to the 9 planets' vibrations will help you to balance the planetary energies of this time, and bring deep calm and rest to your subtle body. From the comfort of your own home (or even bed!), listening live using headphones, to Jane's melodic bath of healing sound. She will use Vedic mantras to awaken the heart, melt away stress and bring a deep sense of joy and protection. The sound of the Japanese gong will help your brain move into the deepest brainwaves, associated with creativity, learning and deep meditation. Many people report deep healing sleep, a clearing and focussing of the mind, and a wonderful sense of peace after the gong and mantra bath.

Working in collaboration with Russell Roberts, our Dru sound engineer, this high quality sound experience will help you get all the benefits of a live sound and mantra bath, without leaving your home. You just need a good pair of headphones and somewhere comfy to relax for an hour or so.

As this sound bath will be crafted specially for the energies of this week, we don't provide a recording. However, as we understand that life is busy, we will broadcast this event live on Friday 14th May and you will be able to listen to the replay for 48 hours. 

‘I have been to 2 of your gong baths before and loved them. I was wondering how it would be in this new format. I sorted out some earplugs and settled down and it was wonderful. I couldn’t believe the quality of the sound! I had a great night’s sleep.  I would be interested in a gong bath once a month. 
Many Thanks' 

Sue, London

This session is suitable of all levels of experience of meditation and sound, but it's not suitable if you have epilepsy or a disturbed nervous system.
For more information email

Friday 14th May BST (free replay for 48 hours)


If you are a member of the Dru Professional Network you will be able to accrue 1 CPD hour for attendance at this event. Attendees from other yoga schools will need to check individually for their own CPD credits.

Prices & Booking

Price: £15  |  £12.50 for DPN 

Contact & Info



Friday, May 14, 2021 - 20:00

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