A Journey to Meaningful Living workshop | Healthy Back Programme



A Journey to Meaningful Living workshop

14 October, 2023

If you are aged 25-45 (ish!) and are on a quest for personal growth, a life of profound meaning, sustainable living, and want to make a positive impact on the world - join our exclusive online journey and meet a thriving network of like-minded people.

This is the ultimate opportunity to connect with your tribe, ignite your spirituality, and immerse yourself in transformative practices such as yoga and meditation.

In this first get-together we will focus on how you can use the power of time to create a life of meaning where you can thrive, not just survive. We’ll introduce you to important principles on how to work with time, and how, with this new understanding, you can design a life you love, prioritise effectively and make positive changes.

In the ancient Vedic scriptures, we are reminded that life is not meant to be a constant struggle, but rather a journey of inner radiance, joy and abundance. We invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey where we delve into profound ancient principles and explore how to apply them into modern living.


Feel free to bring a friend :-)




Prices and booking

Date:  Saturday 14 October 2023
Time: 10.30am - 12.00pm

Location: Online

Suggested donation: £7 - £27



Saturday, October 14, 2023 - 10:30

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