Dru Bhakti Immersion 2021 - The golden path of love | Healthy Back Programme



Dru Bhakti Immersion 2021 - The golden path of love

10 September, 2021
(Registration open till September 2021)

The golden path of love

Discover how to take your yoga beyond the mat, beyond technique, straight to its ultimate goal - establishing yourself deeply in your own heart and through it, experience your connection with the heart of the universe.

In this special weekend, Dru’s top international tutors will help you make great strides forward into a stronger feeling of connection with your inner greatness. 


What will you learn 
Bhakti yoga is considered the most accessible approach to yoga through which you will:

  • Discover the keys to enter the sacred cave of your heart - the ultimate refuge where you meet the essence of who you truly are
  • Develop compassion and love for yourself and for others
  • Dissolve fear and anxiety and experience more joy, more of the time
  • Tap into that state of being, from which all questions are answered
  • Learn how to trust the benevolence of the universe and fall in love with your life 
  • Explore how to take a group of people into a receptive state filled with love and devotion for the divine.

This weekend will help you enhance your connection to the Divine, through a series of online workshops and a breakout group. You will learn how to infuse your teaching, practice - and even your cooking - with the sweetness of devotion.

Bhakti Yoga is one of the four traditional paths of Yoga. It epitomises devotion to the divine – a journey to self-realisation through love. Bhakti is so much more than just chanting or a form of meditation. It’s one of the original forms of yoga and its aim is to help us move towards our essential nature through creating a strong relationship with the Universe. In this unique event, you will join experts in Bhakti yoga who will give you an understanding of the breadth of bhakti and how to use it to enrich your yoga, meditation and prayer - in short your whole life! The weekend will include chanting, storytelling, movement, meditation, mudras and sacred art.

This is a unique live online event, with sessions on Friday night, Saturday morning and Sunday morning, so you will have the rest of the weekend to be with your family and friends. There’s a powerful energy available when we practise together - even when we’re online! If you need to miss a session – don’t worry as you will have access to the replays, so you can continue to enjoy them.

You will receive: 

  • 7 hours of live sessions 
  • A downloadable journal with yantra design, chanting lyrics, meditations and reflections
  • Interactive Zoom breakout group
  • Free access to replays for 6 months
  • 7 CPD points/hours will be accrued


Timetable and tutors

Friday 10th September

19. 00 - 19.30 - Jane Saraswati Clapham - Starting the Journey of Bhakti together with Intention and Mantra
19.30 - 20.30 - Nanna Coppens, Nils Wedke and  Neelke Mussche - Bhakti - The Journey from the Head to the Heart - Yoga Philosophy. The power of listening and singing (Shravanam and Kirtanam)
20.30 - 20.35 - Break
20.35 - 21.00  - Jane Saraswati Clapham -  Keys to Open your Sacred Heart Meditation - from Anxiety to Compassion. 

Saturday 11th September

10.00 - 11.00 -  Anouschka Dack and Michael Keiser- How we bring Bhakti into the world - expressing our Love through Creativity - Dance, Sacred Art and Cooking 
11.00 - 11.15 - Break
11.15 - 12.15 - Rita Goswami and Petra Opsteeg - Developing the Attitude of Reverence for Life (Vandanam) through Words and Actions.
12.15 - 13.00 - Reflection time in small groups on Zoom 

Sunday 12th September

08.00 - 8.30 - Paul Krystall - The Sun Sequence reimagined through Bhakti followed by a Surya Relaxation
8.30 -9.00 Jane Saraswati Clapham - Discovering deep silence within through Meditation and Mantra practice
10.00 - 11.00 -  Susan Kulas  and Ned Hartfiel - Bhakti in Day to Day Life - applying Gratitude through Service (Dasyam)
11.00 - 11.15 Break
11.15 - 12.00 - Jane Saraswati Clapham and Christiane Saar - How to create a space for Bhakti in your Home and Classes. A Sacred Conclusion with Mantra and Dedication.

Standard price: £108

DPN (Dru Professional Network) members only: £99


Friday, September 10, 2021 - 20:00
Sunday, September 12, 2021 - 12:30

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