FREE DPN CONNECT - How chakras and koshas can help you sculpt your world | Healthy Back Programme



FREE DPN CONNECT - How chakras and koshas can help you sculpt your world

4 August, 2023

We're thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for our nurturing and inspiring free DPN CONNECT event on Friday, August 4th at 7pm. 

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of how yoga gives you mastery of your chakras and koshas with Andrew Wells. 

Yoga was always intended to be a tool for sculpting your mind, your emotions and your subtle energy. Andrew will take you far beyond the physical in this beautiful exploration of how the master postures for each chakra can be a lens for exquisite transformation. You can heal old hurts, magnetise new opportunities... and help your students discover how to do this too!

Yoga is also about the friendships and supportive community we're part of. Tonight will be a great opportunity to support and be supported by our rich Dru Yoga Teacher community. And you'll have the opportunity to ask the questions you've always wanted to ask and explore new ways forward for your personal and spiritual development. 

The chakras can be thought of as a spectrum that measures how we relate to the world. At the base, this corresponds to our life-force, our experience of abundance and whether or not the universe is a friendly place that supports us. The second chakra is then the part of our mind that controls how we relate - to ourselves, others and the things around us. And so on up through each level. Just as with the spectrum of light, the chakras give us an beautiful way of appreciating the rainbow of life.

At the same time, the koshas can be thought of as a way of measuring levels of our consciousness, the fine-ness of its vibration. The physical level is more dense, the anandamaya level is closest to unity consciousness.

Put these together, and you have a remarkable overview of human experience. Once you begin to understand this, you can use yoga postures and techniques as precise tools for sculpting the shape of your inner landscape - into any new direction you'd like!  

Andrew will also be showing you how the Advanced Practitioner Diploma helps you explore this world in magnificent depth.

Make sure you mark your calendar for a transformative event and don't miss out on this enriching experience!

If you are a member of the Dru Professional Network you will be able to accrue 1 CPD hour for attendance at this event. Attendees from other yoga schools will need to check individually for their own CPD credits.

FREE for DPN members

We really look forward to seeing you soon!


Friday, August 4, 2023 - 19:00

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