How meditation boosts immunity—online workshop 17 April | Healthy Back Programme



How meditation boosts immunity—online workshop 17 April

17 April, 2021
(Registration open till April 2025)

3pm Australian Eastern Standard Time; 2.30pm Adelaide; 1pm Perth; 5pm New Zealand

Noelene and Mouli are two of Dru's most experienced teacher trainers and are passionate about helping more people learn to find radiant health, inner peace and clarity through meditation.

A growing body of research shows how the practice of meditation can build our natural immunity. In this time in history, it's important to have a strong immune system. Noelene Francis and Mouli MacKenzie will take you through Dru's unique preparation for effective meditation—including yoga sequences and deep relaxation. They'll update you on the benefits of meditation and how you can build your immunity naturally through your regular practice of meditation.

You'll learn the crucial updates on meditation research related to immunity, and how to make these practical within your life. We will also practise two meditations to bring inner joy and initiate the power of your immunity to keep healthy and joyful, even in challenging times.

Most importantly, Dru Meditation will help you find that still place, with its sense of fullness, achievement and deep healing properties, which only yoga and meditation can bring.

This workshop is also an ideal way to find out more about the Dru Meditation Mastery Course, starting online on 22 May! And if you can't make it on the day, we will email you a link to the recording after the event. 

For more information call (02) 6161 1462 or email


You will earn 1 DPN Professional Development (Skilling) point and 2 DPN Connect points attending this workshop.

Prices and booking

Saturday 17 April 15.00 - 17.30
3pm Australian Eastern Standard Time; 2.30pm Adelaide; 1pm Perth; 5pm New Zealand


Live online workshop
$ 40 full price /$32 DPN 20% discount/$32 for those who have signed up for Dru Meditation Mastery Course.


Saturday, April 17, 2021 - 15:00

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