AUS The art and science of Dru Relaxation - April 21 | Healthy Back Programme



AUS The art and science of Dru Relaxation - April 21

21 April, 2021
(Registration open till December 2025)

Why is Dru Relaxation so much more than just a bliss out?

Any Dru Yoga or Meditation teacher will tell you that relaxation is a crucial tool for helping their students transform. If you're sad - there are relaxations for that. If you're ungrounded - there are relaxations for that. If you're stressed - well all relaxations are for that! If you're happy - there are relaxations to make the most of that. If you're empowered and on the wave of your mission in life - there are relaxations for that too! And for everything else in between.

In fact, Dru Relaxation is one of the key methods Dru practitioners use to design their lives. If you have a goal you want to achieve, or some dis-ease you want to transform, then relaxation techniques can take you a long way to achieving your goal! 

Tonight we'll explore how to choose the right type of relaxation, what your possibilities are, and how to choose the one that will help you most. 

Oh... and yes, we'll do lots of relaxation. Lots and lots... 

Andrew Wells is the author of the relaxation section of the Dru Yoga teacher training manuals, having collated this ancient science from the Dru founders, Mansukh, Chris, John, Rita, Annie and team. Pauline Ward is loved by her North Wales students where she's been teaching the Dru Yoga Teacher Training courses for many years. 

Important health note:
Please note that these techniques are powerful and are not recommended for people with medically significant mental health conditions (eg PTSD etc) unless you work one-on-one with a yoga therapist.

Live CPD 60 min class & access to recordings

Price: AUD $35.00

DPN members price: AUD $17.50


Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 19:00

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