Dru Yoga, Meditation and Wisdom classes with Christiane

Sorry Registration for this event ended on 8th Feb 2024, 20:15
 Registration is closed for this event
In this set of 3 classes senior tutor Christiane Saar will take you through a deep experience of yoga and meditation sprinkled with the wisdom from the ancient yogic texts, such like the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.

Honouring Patanjali’s 8 limbs of yoga these classes are packed with the beauty of everything that Dru has to offer!

In this set of 3 classes senior tutor Christiane Saar will take you through a deep experience of yoga and meditation sprinkled with the wisdom from the ancient yogic texts, such like the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.

Never been taught before in this format these classes are a must go to for any sincere yoga practitioner!

  • Liberate your body through some dynamic moves and a short cardio vascular workout
  • Liberate your prana (life force) and unlock your vitality and joy using ancient yoga postures with targeted awareness through the 5 Koshas
  • Liberate your mind by consciously working with the ancient truths and learning easy to do meditation techniques
  • Rejuvenate and find new strengths through the practice of deep relaxation

You will leave the class with a heightened sense of awareness, self worth and purpose as you come closer to your deep inner Truths.


This class is suitable for all levels and everyone who loves yoga!


Please have these items prepared for the class:

  • Your yoga mat
  • Blanket
  • Flat cushion
  • Chair
  • Bolster (if you have one)
  • Some water or other hydrating drink
  • Notebook and pen

We look forward to seeing you! :)


If you are a member of the Dru Professional Network you will be able to accrue three CPD hours for attendance at this yoga class (1hr per class). Attendees from other yoga schools will need to check individually for their own CPD credits.

8th Feb 2024 from 19:00 to 20:15
Snowdonia Mountain Lodge
Nant Ffrancon
Bethesda, Gwynedd LL573LX
United Kingdom
Live class £29.00
Event Region
Dru Admin Region Wales and Cheshire
Global region Worldwide
Event info
Event or Course code
SEO friendly url online-dru-yoga-class-25-01-24
Event strand Dru Yoga, Online/webinar
Prices and booking info

Price: £29
3 classes: 25 Jan, 1 Feb and 8 Feb 2024
Times: 19.00 - 20.15 UK time

Live-streamed on Zoom and
Face-to-face at the Dru centre in Snowdonia

Can't make it live? No problem. Replays will be available after the class in your druyoga.com account. 
The first two classes 
were live streamed on 25th January and 1st February and will be available to you as a replay as soon as you book.

Make sure you give yourself a clear, uninterrupted space for the duration of this class. You deserve it!


Dru CPD points 3
Webinar - link to live webinar https://druyoga.com/all/event-room-yoga-meditation-wisdom-thursday-classes
Webinar - link to recorded webinar https://druyoga.com/all/event-room-yoga-meditation-wisdom-thursday-classes
Course administrator Christiane
Finance administrator Claire
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Bottom tab 1 - title Dru Yoga classes
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Dru Yoga - the style that brings you that marvellous feeling of 'ahh... now I feel like I've come home.'

Rest-filled, aware, inspired, empowered and feeling fully in your body - these are the consistent qualities you are likely to experience after a session of Dru. 

Our live Dru Yoga classes are intended to help you feel great at home, to boost your health and vitality while easing away stress and anxiety. 

And you'll know that many other people are practising with you. Together we will create a pulse of harmony that can make a real difference to our family, our friends and colleagues... and perhaps even to our world.

Bottom tab 2 - title How to join this event
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Once you've booked for the class we'll send you a link by email.

Then, simply click the link to turn up on the night, and/or to access the replay in your druyoga.com account under 'Online Events'

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Well, this is for you! It's for you as a human being, to discover ways to nourish yourself more deeply, and to attain your lifetime goals more successfully. 

And it's for your friends, so you can practise some yoga together this evening.

You deserve some space...

It's important to give yourself a clear, uninterrupted space for this special time! It's always tempting to do several things at once when you're by a screen - but we highly recommend that in this case, you create 60 minutes of uninterrupted time for yourself. We'll be covering some very special material that we hope will make a wonderful difference in your life. You are worth it - and you deserve it!

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These events accrue a total of 3 CPD points

Yoga training hours 0
Meditation training hours 0
Ayurveda training hours 0