Workshop: The Spirituality of the Menopause

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THE SPIRITUALITY OF MENOPAUSE, as viewed through the lens of Ayurveda, is a profound and transformative journey that invites women to embrace their inner wisdom and connect with the deeper aspects of themselves.

The spirituality of Menopause, as viewed through the lens of Ayurveda, is a profound and transformative journey that invites women to embrace their inner wisdom and connect with the deeper aspects of themselves. In Ayurveda, life is seen as a journey through three distinct dosha-specific phases: Kapha, Pitta, and Vata.

The Kapha phase, from birth to approximately 18 years old, is a time of growth and nurturing, where individuals establish the foundation for their lives. The Pitta phase, spanning roughly from 18 to 45 years, is characterized by activity, responsibility, and family-building. And finally, menopause marks the onset of the Vata phase, a time when Vata dosha, associated with air and ether elements, becomes more prominent.

During this masterclass on the spirituality of menopause, participants are introduced to:

  • Specific healing mantras, mudras, and sacred scriptures that resonate with the unique energies of the powerful phase.
  • These practices are designed to balance all the doshas energies, calm the mind, and foster a profound sense of inner peace.

Shona and Janey will help you understand how the different doshas present themselves during the menopause and share some practical ways forward.

This transformative journey is vital as it represents the transition from the active Pitta phase to the contemplative Vata phase, often referred to as the "time of the wise woman." It's a time when women can draw upon their inner wisdom, reflect on life's experiences, and channel newfound spiritual insights into a life of greater purpose and fulfilment, all while understanding and embracing the dosha-specific phases that shape this remarkable journey.

See you there!

Shona and Janey

8th Nov 2023 from 19:00 to 20:00
United Kingdom
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Event Fee(s)
Workshop Fee £30.00
DPN Member £15.00
Event Region
Dru Admin Region Wales and Cheshire
Global region UK & Eire
Event info
Event or Course code
SEO friendly url menopause-workshop-08-november-2023
Event strand Online/webinar
Prices and booking info

Prices and booking

Date:  Wednesday 8 November 2023
Time:  7pm - 8pm

Location: Online


Standard £30

DPN £15

For all enquiries and questions please email us at 


Dru CPD points 1
Webinar - link to live webinar
Webinar - link to recorded webinar
Course administrator Shona
Finance administrator Claire
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Shona Sutherland: Shona is the head of the Dru Ayurveda School and has been teaching for many years. Her knowledge of Ayurveda will bring a new and insightful understanding of the menopause and how to move this phase of ones life with grace and poise.

Janey Fitzgerald: Working in medical surgery for over 35 years, Janey specialised in women's health and will bring her experience in this field together with an Ayurvedic understanding that will give you a new way of looking at the menopause.

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This session is of course for those of you in the menopause now and is also for those of you en route to this phase as 'preparation is the key!'

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  • Bring your yoga mat
  • Water
  • Cushion and/or a blanket
  • Pen and paper as you may want to take notes too

Be prepared to be nourished and deeply relaxed and nurtured!


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"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." -- Oprah Winfrey

A wise woman recognizes when her life is out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it, she knows the meaning of true generosity, happiness is the reward for a life lived in harmony, with a courage and grace. Suze Orman

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