Live Q & A: Dru Yoga teacher training ONLINE 2024

 Registration is closed for this event
We invite you to join us for an calm and relaxing experience and to ask any questions you may have about the forthcoming course.

Enjoy a nurturing Q&A session with Mona Fairholme. 

This evening will be a relaxing and informative session as I share more about my passion for Dru Yoga teacher training. 

We due to begin our next LIVE Online Course starting on 20th April. 

More details fo the course can be found here > 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

If you'd like a chat beforehand or can't make this time you can also get in touch with us at to arrange to speak with Mona. 


9th Feb 2024 from 18:00 to 18:30
Online streaming and zoom—wherever you have access to a computer or phone
Event Region
Dru Admin Region West Midlands
Global region UK & Eire
Event info
Event or Course code
SEO friendly url online-Q&A-dru-yoga-teacher-training-2024
Event strand Online/webinar
Prices and booking info

Prices & Booking

Date:  Tuesday 9th April at 6pm
Time:  6.30pm – 7.15pm
Price: Free
Venue: Online

Please use the Book Now button to book your place.

For further information please contact us at

Alternatively call us at 07712 202 016.


Dru CPD points 0
Webinar - link to live webinar
Webinar - link to recorded webinar
Course administrator Annie
Finance administrator Claire
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“My training in yoga gave me the courage to set up Dru Yoga in Leeds and train over 200 people" - Mona Fairholme

Mona Fairholme is a Senior Dru Yoga Tutor. She's passionate about Dru Yoga and helping people to grow into who they really are - the best version of themselves!

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Full course details:

Become a Dru Yoga Teacher


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Just your present self to relax into the session and learn more about our next Dru Yoga teacher training course. 

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Yoga training hours 0
Meditation training hours 0
Ayurveda training hours 0