Snowdonia Outdoor Yoga, Meditation and Sacred Walking Day August

 Registration is closed for this event
Welcome to a our August face to face walking event! Enjoy a day of yoga, meditation and talks on yoga philosophy - in the glorious outdoor surroundings of Snowdonia,

Come and explore beautiful Nant Ffrancon valley on this outdoor day workshop of yoga, meditation and connection to nature. Connect with like minded people as we walk mindfully, exploring in depth outdoor yoga and meditation to balance our body and mind. Your hosts for this walk are Monica Staniforth and Gillian Beeson, Dru Yoga and Meditation tutors, who will share talks on spirituality, nature and yoga philosophy where they share their experiences in a practical  way for daily life. 

Timetable of the Day:
10.45 - Arrival at Snowdonia Mountain Lodge (LL57 3LX)
11.00 - Yoga, meditation and Walking workshop. The walk will be on mixed terrain (tarmacked road, footpaths and cycle tracks) and could include some gentle hills. The walk will include approximately outdoor yoga, guided meditation,  talks on yoga philosophy and spirituality in daily life. 
16.00 - Walk ends at Snowdonia Mountain Lodge
This is a non-residential event, and in order to be Covid-safe - please bring your own packed lunch and refreshments. You can park for free at our centre. You will need to be fit enough to walk 3-5 miles possibly including some hills.

What should I bring?
You will need walking clothes - strong shoes or lightweight boots, plenty of layers, waterproof jacket and trousers, a packed lunch and drinks, notebook and pen, sitting mat, walking poles, midge repellent.

What about the Welsh weather?
As this event is outdoors to adhere to government restrictions, it is dependent on kind weather! Please book online here, and if the weather looks too stormy or wet to be safe, we will confirm 48 hours before the event. If we have to cancel, we will refund your payment in full.

If you are a member of the Dru Professional Network you will be able to accrue 2 CPD hous for attendance at this event. Attendees from other yoga schools will need to check individually for their own CPD credits.

Early bird price £30 (book by 20 July 2021) Full Price £35

Other Dru Walks in Snowdonia

14 August  Sacred Walking Day
4 September Yoga and Walking


1st Aug 2021 from 11:00 to 16:00
Early bird (book by 20th July 2021) £30.00
Standard £35.00
Event Region
Dru Admin Region Wales and Cheshire
Global region Worldwide
Event info
Event or Course code
SEO friendly url yoga-walking-day-aug-2021
Event strand Dru Yoga, Dru Meditation, Wisdom events, Walking
Prices and booking info

One day live face to face event.

Early bird price £30 (book by 20 July 2021) Full Price £35

For those on the Dru Professional Network, this retreat will add 2 CPD hours.

Dru CPD points 2
Webinar - link to live webinar
Webinar - link to recorded webinar
Course administrator
Finance administrator
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Bottom tab 1 - title Dru Yoga
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Dru Yoga - the style that brings you that marvellous feeling of 'ahh... now I feel like I've come home.'

Rest-filled, aware, inspired, empowered and feeling fully in your body - these are the consistent qualities you are likely to experience after a session of Dru. 

Our live Dru Yoga classes are intended to help you feel great at home, to boost your health and vitality while easing away stress and anxiety. 

And you'll know that many other people are practicing with you. Together we will create a pulse of harmony that can make a real difference to our family, our friends and colleagues... and perhaps even to our world.

Bottom tab 2 - title How to join this event
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Once you've booked for the session, we will send we'll send you more information by email.


Bottom tab 3 - title Who is this for?
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Well, this is for you! It's for you as a human being, to discover ways to nourish yourself more deeply, and to attain your lifetime goals more successfully. 

And it's for your friends, and fellow seekers, so you can practice together afterwards.

Bottom tab 4 - title How to prepare
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You deserve some space...

Come and enjoy a peaceful day with a group of like minded yogis in beautiful surroundings!

Yoga training hours 0
Meditation training hours 0
Ayurveda training hours 0